Victorian Men
Angharad Williams and Sophie Gogl
at Francis Irv
November 1 – December 18, 2022
The most incel thing I’ve done, since getting a twin bed, was not getting the monkeypox vaccine. All my hot gay friends told me to get vaccinated, and I was like, I’ll get around to it. It’s chill. I haven’t had sex in over a year, though maybe if I enjoyed it the last time, I would’ve had it again by now. Sex is either traumatic or boring. But mostly my sex life has been stamped by the single affect by which metropolitan authenticity is universally recognized: ennui. Is this normal? Everybody keeps saying that Gen Z isn’t fucking. They’re too busy alienating their bodies by spending too much time online or converting to Catholicism. Maybe I should just speak for myself: I have trouble getting it up. These days, I’m only horny when I’m on drugs, which is the thing they don’t tell you about your 30s — your libido drops off a cliff. Did I waste the prime of my youth? I got laid more when I was young and ugly because I looked easy — chambray with thick black glasses and a fake leather jacket strutting into Metropolitain at 3:30 a.m., fresh and cheap. Then I gained 15 pounds from the antidepressants that were supposed to save my life and never did, but even though I lost my six-pack, I’m hotter now, I think. I wear Avignon by Comme des Garcons, subscribe to The New Yorker, and can name the current president of Brazil, but I’m still single. I want to love, but all the boys who aren’t dating me think I’m standoffish, a perfectionist, frigid, asexual, inexperienced, or — as Pujan keeps saying — that I’m one of the new Victorian men of the 21st century, waiting for the perfect partner for whom I would not have to ask if this was love I was feeling, I would just know.

In a photo by Williams, My First Suit (2020), the artist is kneeling in a pinstripe suit and in the background is a statue, slick with patina, of a romantic ideal male in the nude, contrapposto, gazing into the distance. I imagine myself wearing that suit with flowers, donning the romantic garb from a bygone era before Instagram and streetwear fucked up the industry, longing for the perfect man who can be seen in the distance, but only at a distance, because if he came closer, I’d snarl and look away. I only want love if it’s immaculate, the impossible kind only seen from afar. As a follower only of truth and beauty, I believe two things about love: that no one deserves it, ever, but that love is only true if it can be taken for granted. Even if I’ve never seen this love, by believing in it, I make it real. This makes me so goddamn pure and noble that you can now call me Jesus Christ or Queen Elizabeth I. I belong to no one. All of you are my lovers, and I am your savior, your queen.